What To Consider When Using Lawyer Lookup Databases: Tips For A Successful Search

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If you find yourself needing a lawyer, you’re probably already under stress – having legal issues is rarely pleasant, even for those with water-tight cases. The last thing you want to be dealing with is further anxiety caused by your search for the right attorney. Thankfully, there are many lawyer lookup databases out there designed to simplify your search and match you with a good lawyer.

However, learning to use these databases can be tricky, and you need to have a good idea of what you’re looking for to get the best results. That’s why we have compiled our top tips for successfully using lawyer lookup databases, review sites and referral services. Remember, the more time and effort you invest into your search for a suitable lawyer, the less stress you’ll experience down the line – finding a reliable lawyer you trust and feel comfortable with, and who provides excellent client service, will make facing your legal challenges less daunting.

Determine Your Legal Needs

Lawyer Lookup

Before you begin with your search, you need to give some thought to the kind of lawyer you need. To do that, you must have a basic understanding of your legal problem and the kind of legal expertise it requires. Is your dispute a business dispute, for example, do you intend to sue a supplier for delivering faulty goods, or a client for failing to settle your invoice? If your dispute is contractual, does it contain an arbitration clause, which would require you to hire an attorney with arbitration experience? For family disputes, you need to think carefully about what kind of family law specialization you require – do you need a divorce lawyer with trust law expertise, or a probate attorney, or perhaps someone with experience in elder law?

If you have suffered a personal injury, was it caused by a motor vehicle accident, an unsafe premises, a failed medical procedure or a faulty product? Is there potential for bringing a class action suit?

Asking yourself these questions will give you a clearer idea of the kind of specializations and professional experience you would like your prospective lawyer to have. If you aren’t familiar with the legal profession’s diverse practice areas, start by familiarizing yourself with the kinds of legal practice areas out there.

Using The Right Database

Once you know what kind of legal expertise you’re going to need, it’s time to start using a lawyer lookup database. There are many databases available and it goes without saying that some are more reliable than others. Note that there is a difference between lawyer review sites and lawyer referral service databases – whereas review sites allow clients to provide subjective reviews of their experiences of a particular lawyer or law firm’s services, they do not provide any vetting services.

Lawyer referral databases, on the other hand, rigorously pre-screen lawyers to ensure that only lawyers who meet certain professional and ethical standards are included on their database. As such, the benefit of a lawyer referral service is that many sub-standard, under-qualified, or unethical lawyers have already been ‘weeded out’, making your search results that much more reliable.

Another factor to bear in mind is that many online review sites are ultimately linked to marketing services that are targeting you as a potential customer. Unfortunately, few ratings and review sites are independent: indeed, many law firms pay (indirectly or otherwise) for their lawyers to receive favorable ratings. Lawyer referral databases are generally a more reliable source, because they have their own reputation to uphold and are therefore selective when screening lawyers for membership.

Search For Specialization And Location

When using a lawyer lookup database, two criteria are important: location and specialization. You want to hire a lawyer who practices in your area not only for practical reasons, but also because hiring a lawyer who is familiar with the clerks and processes of the trial court in your county will be advantageous.

You’ll also need to tailor your search to a particular practice area. Remember that specialization is not determined by professional certifications alone – experience is a significant factor that should be considered. An attorney who has two decades’ experience litigating medical malpractice cases is likely to be far more qualified than one who has a medical malpractice law certification but only has a few years’ experience on the job. However, a lawyer with two decades’ experience will likely have a much higher charge out rate than a junior lawyer. Consider the complexity of your case and how much you’re willing to pay, and remember that if your case is fairly straightforward or your claim is small, a junior lawyer may be the best way to go.

Narrow Your Options

Unless you live in a remote area, your search will likely return several results. This is where using lawyer lookup databases in combination with other search methods, such as online review sites, can be worthwhile. Keep in mind that clients are more likely to post negative reviews than positive ones, and that social media algorithms also tend to promote negative over positive reviews.

Some search databases provide useful search filter options that can help to narrow your results further. For example, you may want to set a minimum experience threshold ( such as, five years’ experience) or filter out lawyers who lack appellate court experience. Reading through lawyers’ individual profiles will help you to get a sense of their professional approach and personal communication style. Check to see whether they have been nominated for any legal awards, sit on any professional committees or have other accolades confirming their skill and experience. If your case is complex and likely to involve multiple areas of law, look for lawyer profiles that demonstrate the individual has professional experience in a range of practice areas.

Make Use Of Free Consultations

Lawyer Lookup

Ultimately, using lawyer lookup databases and review sites can only take you so far. To make your final decision, you may need to meet with your prospective lawyer to get a good sense of who they are as a person, their communication style and their level of professionalism. Many lawyers offer free consultations for this purpose, and it’s a good idea to take advantage of these. You may have found a highly qualified lawyer but discover upon meeting them that they just don’t ‘click’ with you personally – your first consultation will help you determine whether this is so.

Never underestimate how important personal connection is in the attorney-client relationship: you need to feel comfortable with your lawyer as you will be trusting them completely with your case. They, in turn, need to feel that they can trust you to share all relevant information that will help them prepare appropriately. Use the consultation to ask important questions about, for example, their fee structure, their strategic approach to litigation, and their previous court appearances.

Southern California’s Lawyer Lookup Database Of Choice

New Attorney Referral Website

Hiring a reputable attorney is the best way to give yourself maximum chances of success in your case while minimizing the personal stress it will cause you. You want to appoint somebody who will be attentive, responsive, professional, and ethical, and who is dedicated to using their legal skills to get the best possible outcome for their clients.

Thankfully, we at Real Deal Attorneys have already done the hard work for you. Our lawyer locator service offers an extensive database of excellent, pre-screened lawyers, helping you to lookup a lawyer who has the expertise and experience to match your legal needs. We have helped many clients access quality, affordable legal representation and would be happy to assist you as you make this important decision. Give us a call at (424)-367-1271 to find out more!


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